
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Shape us into Lovers with your Presence

حالت ده و حیرت ده ای مبدأ  بی حالت
Shape us up and grant bewilderment
You, the shapeless Source of shape

Make us lovers -- Leili and Majnoon
You,  the creator with hidden means
the roles of lover and beloved
embed hundreds of our desires
We come to you singing loud
You, fulfiller of our desires
That ring of power that grants every wish 
can only be a Solomonlike ring
Don't give up Sohbat - spiritual discourse
You, our mentor have granted us presence 
Although the month of repentence has passed
and a new Moon has come forth
calling us to break oath and burn a hundred promises 
we made -- for we had not seen You

if you don't swoon from the Master's words
then you are truly a confused soul!

And if your heart is not enticed
then your mind has beguiled you

for even birds and animals can't help but 
[who once spoke to Solomon] 
stagger as they approach Your Presence

For the Love of You drives all 
You who are the crown and specter

You invite all to join the Divine
and win the hearts of the multitude

Ghazal 326, Rumi, Book of Shams
Translated by Ali Arsanjani

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