
Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Reedflute has a tale to Tell

Listen to this reedFlute, it has a tale to tell
It is complaining of all separations

The story of the reedflute is that it was torn from the reedbed, it's source,
and so it wants to gain a way of recourse to its original state of union.
This is why it is complaining because it wants to return to the source.

sine khahan sharhe sharhe az feragh
ta begooyam sharhe darde eshtiagh

Give me a heart torn from being apart
So [they will understand when]
I can describe the pain of enthusiasm / longing

Only someone experiencing this pain of longting to be united with their source
will be able to comprehend what I am lamenting.

And then Rumi states one of his general rules:

Har kasi koo door mand az asle khish
Baz jooyad roozegare vasle khish

Whoever is left behing from their source
will seek to regain a way of recourse
will seek to gain the days of Union

Sere man az naleye man door nist
Lik chashm o goosh ra an noor nist

Rumi starts talking about "that light"
that this light is absent from "the eye and ear".
He delcares that
"my secret is not far from my cry
but they haven't that light, the ear and eye"

If the ear and eye, my sense would have "that light" the
ability to truly see and truly hear, they would know that
the key to my secret is not far from my wail, my cry, my moan


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